Thursday, December 25, 2008

Mommy and Daddy's Most Precious Gift

Nick and I had a great first Christmas with Jack. We woke up around 7:30 and Nick wanted to open gifts! Jack enjoyed tearing the paper off his presents. We went for breakfast and then relaxed as a family the rest of the afternoon. Our friend Chris came over for dinner. We missed being with our families, but enjoyed creating our own family traditions. We wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for being there for us during Jack's very eventful birth and keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.

Christmas 2008

Uncle Chris came over for dinner.
Tired after a great first Christmas.
First rocking chair from Grandma and Grandpa Gadbois.

Jack's First Christmas

Our favorite gift this year!

Getting ready to listen to mommy read The Polar Express.

So Cute!

Jack chatting with Grandma.

Daddy Feeding Jack

Jack and I are so lucky to have a great "hands on" dad. Nick has a fun time feeding Jack. Jack tends to get a little messy with his food when daddy feeds him:)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Jack and Oscar

Jack is starting to notice Oscar. Oscar tolerates Jack petting him and even laid down by him. We are trying to teach Jack to "be nice" to the kitties. Maya wants nothing to do with Jack.

Mom's Birthday Dinner

We went to Ruths Chris the night before my birthday. Jack was such a good boy!

Mommy's Birthday at the Zoo

We went to the Metro Zoo for my 30th birthday. It was a beautiful south Florida day!

We fed the giraffe. Jack got scared when the giraffe snorted at him!
My two boys!

Jack chillin in his stroller.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Adorable Laugh

Don't worry.... I'm hitting the bed not my child!
He thought it was so funny! I love his laugh;)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Misc Pictures

We went to the doctor for Jack's 6 month check up on Monday. The doctor said he is right on track! Since Jack wasn't feeling well we decided to hold off on his shots. He is on a breathing treatment twice a day for his cold. He has been falling asleep during the treatments.
Trying to eat his toes.
Wearing mommy's birthday hat from her surprise party!
Admiring the Christmas tree:)

Jack's first teeth

Last Thursday I was looking at Jack and realized there was something white growing on his gums. I felt it and new that our little boy was getting his first tooth! Then Nick realized a couple days ago that he had another one coming through. He is gnawing on everything! Including mommy and daddy's fingers. He is still happy and seems to not be in much pain.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Eating Squash

Six Months

Our little boy continues to keep up with the "full term" baby milestones. He is rolling from back to front but gets stuck and mad at himself. We went to the GI doctor last week and Jack is 17 lbs and 26 in. long. He grew 3 inches in two months. The Dr said he is right where he should be. He continues to have a cough and stuffy nose but it could be that his two teeth are the culprit! That's right TWO FRONT TEETH! All I want for Christmas...... We go to the pediatrician on Monday for his 6 month check up. He is grabbing at things and is trying to hold his own bottle. He tried squash and liked it. Carrots are next:)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Jack's first cold

Jack currently has his first cold. Lots of coughing and sneezing. I will try to update the blog this weekend. I have some great pictures to share!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Jack and Santa

Jack sat on Santa's lap this week. He was such a good boy! He is rolling over everytime I put him on the floor. We go to the GI doctor next week and to the pediatrician the following week. I started giving him cereal and he seems to enjoy it more this time. Today I put some mashed bananas in the cereal and he really enjoyed it!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Our Beautiful Little Boy

Jack holding the bracelet that was on him in the NICU. It was so tiny and so was Jack.

At the Beach

Jack feeling sand for the first time!

Jack and Uncle Allan O'Brien from Chicago.
Enjoying a beautiful day at Hollywood beach


Jack had a great first Thanksgiving! We went to a parade in Little Haiti and Jack slept through the sirens at the beginning. He enjoyed watching the people and listening to the band go by. Then we went to a friends house and had a wonderful dinner. Everyone thought Jack was a great baby (he didn't cry once!) He was such a tropper the whole day!