Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tummy Time (please excuse my annoying voice!)

Mommy loves her little Jack

The first two pictures are of Jack falling asleep while getting his diaper changed. The thing around his chest are his leads to his heart monitor. We go back to the GI doctor next week to find out how much longer he needs the monitor. Jack loves to be in his swing. He has the blanket he get from the Hoekstra's. Jack doing tummy time. He holds his head us so well!!! I love Jack's half smile in the last picture.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

My little boy

The Beach

Saturday night we went to the beach for about an hour. Jack loved being outside! Daddy used his marine biology skills to show us a sea egg. ;)

Grandma, Grandpa and Tia

Grandma and grandpa Gadbois are visiting from Illinois and Tia Shawna is visiting from California. Jack is loving the attention and mommy is loving the company!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Friendly Fay

Jack made it through his first tropical storm! Fay was very uneventful. It rained nonstop Sunday and Monday and off and on Tuesday. Monday night it was windy and we had some fast gusts at times. There were lots of branches down, but no major damage. Nick was off work for 1 1/2 days which made mommy VERY happy!

Today Jack has decided to not sleep and hang out with his tired mommy! Our friends Chris and Colleen got us a bouncy vibrating chair and he is hanging out in that looking at the hanging animals enjoying his massage. Tia Shawna and Grandma and Grandpa Gadbois come to visit tomorrow. We are very excited for them to come see our little mooser (that was Nick's nickname when he was a baby) and we've given it to Jack since he is getting so big!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Outfit from Tia Shawna and Tio Jeff

First Big Smile

Jack's First Toy

Jack received his first big toy (from Erin and Leslie, two good friends from Jennie's hometown). He isn't too interested in it yet, but likes to listen to the music. Of course Oscar thinks it's his toy!

Eye Doctor

Jack went to the eye doctor yesterday and everything is great! He doesn't have ROP. We have to go back in February for a check-up, but he doesn't need to go through the awful procedure again to check for ROP ( I never watched but I heard it was horrible!) Hopefully Jack will have mommies great eyesight. We had another good night last night. Yippee!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Super Dad

Two nights ago Nick got the true daddy test. He was up at midnight feeding Jack. Well, Jack thinks he needs to eat as much as possible and after he does that he usually spits up. That is exactly what he did... all over himself. So Nick changed his outfit. Then around 1:00 am Nick comes in the bedroom and said he needed some help. He was rocking Jack and Jack had a VERY messy diaper that went up his back! We had to change his clothes, wash his back and get him back to sleep. I am VERY proud of Nick and how hands on he is. He gets up at night to feed Jack during at least one of his feedings. Which lets me get some sleep. He is an awesome dad and a wonderful hubby! We are moving to Hollywood (about 10 miles North) on September 6. It is a much bigger apartment with two bedrooms. We will send out the address after we move. Today we go to the eye doctor. If everything goes well we will not have to go back for another 6 months.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Such a cute boy!

Mommy and Jack

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Great-Grandma (MeMe)

MeMe (great-grandma) came to visit last week and Jack loved being held all day! Mommy was able to get some things done. Jack is named after MeMe's late husband who was a Pearl Harbor survivor. MeMe was in Mexico when Jack was born, she rode in the ambulance with us when Jack was born! We are looking forward to having Tia Shawna and grandma and grandpa Gadbois come visit next week. Jack had a FANTASTIC night last night. He astually slept in his bed! He is holding his head up and is trying to smile! Tomorrow (August 13) was my orignial due date. :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Daddy's new haircut

Nick decided to cut his hippie hair off. It will be nice not having to pick up all the hair ties! We call it the republican cut, let's hope he doesn't revert back to his republican ways!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Doctor visit

We went to the pediatrician for Jack Allen's two month check up. He will be two months on Saturday! He weighs 7 lbs. 12 oz. and is 20 inches long. He had three shots and took it like the champ he is. Doctor said he looks good!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Jack and Ava Sittin in a tree.....

Leanne (a friend from Coastal Carolina University) and her daughter Ava came over last Friday. It was nice to have some company and share mommy stories. Ava is five months old and Jack's future girlfriend :)

Going on little sleep

Mr. Jack Allen has been giving his mommy and daddy a run for their money at night. He loves to be held and does not want to sleep in his bassinet. Last night he slept for three hours in his swing and for one hour in his bed. We're sure things will get better :) Next week Jack will be full term! It is hard to believe he should still be in my tummy! We love giving him kisses and hearing his little sounds. MeMe comes on Thursday. Mommy is looking forward to getting some scrapbooking and sleeping done while MeMe loves on Jack!

Gotta Wear Shades