Wednesday, March 11, 2009

9 Months Old

Trying a sippy cup
Look! I can read
Jack looking like his Grandpa Klepk (when he was a baby)

We have a strong, healthy 9 month old. Jack and mommy went to the pediatrician today and had his 9 month check-up. He is a whopping 20 lbs 10 1/2 0z and 28 inches long. he has caught up to the full-term babies!!!! YIPPEE!!! The dr told us we can start giving him yogurt and cheese (I think we'll start with blue cheese and go to a nice Gouda). He also mentioned other foods Jack can try that I've already been giving him such as meat, pasta, etc. He got two shots and was a trooper. Jack gave the nurse a big smile when she walked in to make her feel even worse:( Right now he's sitting on his blanket playing with his blocks watching the kitty cats annoy each other. Happy as can be:)


Leanne said...

glad to hear everything went so well!! Yay Jack!