Monday, June 8, 2009

Healthy Baby Boy

Jack, Nick and I went to the pediatrician today for his Jack's year check up. We discussed with the Dr what happened this weekend and he didn't see the need for further testing. We will just have to keep and eye on Jack and when he gets a fever instantly give him the Tylenol/Motrin combo. Jack is 22 lbs 2 oz, 29 1/2 in long. He is right at where he should be. Nick and I think our little guy might be a vegetarian since he has no interest in meat! I am going to try lentil soup today:) Thank you everyone for the calls and well wishes. It means alot to us to have such loving family and friends. We are off to LA on Thursday for Jack''s birthday!


Alessia L. said...

Glad to hear Mr. Jack Allen is in tip top shape. Did you ask the doctor how to make his feet smellier?