Friday, May 14, 2010

Watch What You Say......

Oh the things they catch on to....

1) A couple days ago I had on a t-shirt that smelled like Nick (It must have gotten mixed up with the clean clothes and put back into the drawer). I kept on saying, "Nick this shirt smells like you! Smell it Jack it smells like daddy." Skip ahead a couple days. The shirt is washed and I have it on for bed. Jack has been getting in bed with me after daddy leaves for work and we sleep, snuggle and look at each other. Today Jack wakes up, looks at my shirt, smells it, points to it and says, "dadda, dadda!!!!"

2) We get in the car today to run errands. I get Jack in his seat, buckle in and he says, "Ni-night?" (his blanket.) I say, "Oh shit!!!" guess what Jack says... yep! His first curse word. Guess I need to watch my mouth:)


Leanne said...

I love watching their minds grow!!! It reminds me that being a stay at home mom is the most fabulous job in the world!

Jack Allen said...

I agree Leanne!!!