Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Things are Happening

Why does anyone live where it is cold when you can live in Florida and see a view like this in January!!!
Jack and daddy hanging out at the organic farmers market at Hollywood Beach
Getting his toes!
Changes are happening everyday in the Gadbois household. Jack is sitting up by his self, he is eating different fruits and veggies and will start on proteins as soon as mommy gets the courage to feed it to him. Mommy and daddy are resolving some isseus that have been on their minds the past couple of years and are trying to get to the next step in their lives. Jack will offically be done with the GI doctor and his medicine in 2 weeks! We went to the GI doctor today and he weighs 18 lbs 15 oz. Everyone can't believe how big he is and how well our little "preemie" is doing. Jack has his new passport and ss# and we are ready to head to Mexico in June for his birthday fiesta! Mommy is LOVING being at home with her little boy and would not trade it for the world! Daddy is still trying to find the right job for him, but is truckin through the job he has right now. Thanks for following our lives with us!

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Jack loves his alligator that Uncle Matt and Aunt Brittnay got him for Christmas. He wanted to eat it!

Tia Angela got Jack this onesie before he was born! He's going to be a ninja just like his daddy:)

Birthday Party

Daddy, mommy and Jack went to a birthday party last week. It was for a little girl in our mommy group. Jack had a fun time sliding down the slide, swinging and hanging out with the birthday girl. He wasn't too sure about the swing. He didn't like coming forward, it took his breath away.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

7 Months of Jack

7 Months Tomorrow!

It is so hard to believe that 7 months ago we were in Mexico enjoying Shawna and Jeff's wedding and then poof (literally) Jack was born. He will be 7 months tomorrow and we are really enjoying this stage. Mommy had a tough time during the beginning of Jack's life but is now getting the hang of things and realizing she needs to enjoy Jack and not worry about having a tidy house! Jack is beginning to sit up on his own, loves to eat (Takes after mommy) and is very curious about what is going on around him. He loves to watch T.V. and play in his exersaucer. His favorite place to sleep is in his swing and when he is in his crib he sleeps on his tummy or side. We went to the doctor today for his 6 month shots( he was sick last month when we went). Jack now weighs 18 lbs. 7 ounces! He was a trooper while getting his shots. He got very mad at the nurse and when she said she was sorry he smiled! We love that so many people enjoy reading about Jack Allen and seeing him grow through the pictures on the blog. Nick and I are still holding on to our dream of moving to Oregon or Washington. We hope it will happen before the end of the year, but we are going with the flow and seeing where our lives take us. Time for Jack and I to go to Itsy Bitsy Yoga. I am going to try to do a slideshow during Jack's nap today. We'll see how it goes!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Too Tired To Eat

Jack had a long day shopping at IKEA. He couldn't even stay awake to eat!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Beach Baby

We went to Key Largo to eat at a wonderful small restaurant called Mrs.Mac's. Jack enjoyed sitting outside feeling the breeze. Jack had fun in the sun at Hollywood beach. We put his feet in the sand and surf. He liked the water hitting his toes until a wave came and got him wet to his knees!

Klepk's Visit

Grandma and Grandpa Klepk and uncle James came to visit and spoil mommy, daddy and Jack. We enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Bourbon Steak in Aventura.
Super Jack loves Grandpa Klepk!
Grandma Klepk enjoying our little boy.

Uncle James playing with Jack. Jack loves all the attention and mommy loved all the help!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

I've been trying to upload a video of our crazy New Years, but for some reason it isn't working! Needless to say our New Years was very low-key. Dinner at Cheesecake Factory, home by 8:00, in bed at 10:00. I woke up at midnight when I heard fireworks, but then fell back to sleep. It was wonderful! 2008 was a real awakening for us! We learned how to cope in the most stressful of circumstances. Our family was with us in Mexico and we are defiantly grateful for their support. We are truly blessed in our household and owe it all to those who watch over us. Enjoy 2009, do not take ANYONE or ANYTHING for granted and most of all count EVERY blessing.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Our Favorite Part of 08

Mmmmmm Fruit

Jack LOVES fruit! I got him this little device and he's tasted apples and grapes. We are also feeding Jack baby oatmeal and fruits and veggies everyday. I am making Jack's food and so far it is very easy. He tried sweet potatoes for the first time last week and gagged and shuddered. He ended up liking them the third time we fed them to him:)