Sunday, June 28, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
A Year Ago
A year ago Nick and I welcomed Jack Allen into our lives. He came into this world as a fighter. A year ago we were sitting in the NICU waiting for our son to get well enough to come home. A year ago we learned that (our) families get closer when a crises hits. A year ago we learned what "love at first sight" was. So much has happened in a year. Our little man came home to a tiny apartment filled with lots of love. Jack has grown into a toddler who is ready to explore the world. We take for granted how precious life is. We get caught up in the daily grind and always wanting more. A year ago changed our lives in more ways that I can even describe. Jack made our lives whole and continues to show us on a daily basis what really matters. When thank the higher powers who gave us Jack... and look forward to the many wonderful years we have ahead of us. Thank you to those of you who were there a year ago for us. There are way to many people to name who helped us get through one of the most stressful yet wonderful times in our lives.
Posted by Jack Allen at 5:43 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Jack's Birthday in LA
Eating Sprinkles cupcakes for Jack's birthday. They are by far the BEST cupcakes I have ever tasted!
Birthday dinner at Cozymel's in LA. Daddy, mommy, Jack the birthday boy, Tia Shawna, Tio Jeff and Nana
Posted by Jack Allen at 8:21 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Healthy Baby Boy
Jack, Nick and I went to the pediatrician today for his Jack's year check up. We discussed with the Dr what happened this weekend and he didn't see the need for further testing. We will just have to keep and eye on Jack and when he gets a fever instantly give him the Tylenol/Motrin combo. Jack is 22 lbs 2 oz, 29 1/2 in long. He is right at where he should be. Nick and I think our little guy might be a vegetarian since he has no interest in meat! I am going to try lentil soup today:) Thank you everyone for the calls and well wishes. It means alot to us to have such loving family and friends. We are off to LA on Thursday for Jack''s birthday!
Posted by Jack Allen at 7:18 AM 1 comments
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Jack's Ambulance ride tally: 3 (4 if you count his birth)
Today we experienced one of the most terrifying events (I think this topped Jack's birth!). We noticed Jack was a little warm this afternoon around 2:00. We took his temp and it was 99 so we gave him some Tylenol and he feel asleep for his nap. He woke up around 4 and was very happy. He felt really warm so we took his temp again and it was 103. Before I could call the Dr, Jack had a seizure in Nick's arms. I immediately called 911. In the meantime the seizure had stopped except for a twitch in Jack's mouth. He was alert and looking around. While I was talking to the 911 dispatcher Jack had another, very quick, seizure and then vomited. The paramedics arrived, took his vitals. At that time Jack was crying, VERY GOOD SIGN!!!! They took us to Joe DiMaggio hospital where Jack's temp was around 104. They gave him Motrin and he was looked at by a Dr. The Dr said he thought the seizure was just brought on by his fever and he may have a virus. We were sent home with instructions to give Jack tylenol and motrin throughout the night. On the ride home Jack was laughing and talking. We go to Jack's pediatrician on Monday. Nick and I are a little shookin up by this experience, we are wondering what will be next???
Posted by Jack Allen at 5:34 PM 3 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Mommy and Daddy's day in Chicago
Nick and I took the train into the city. We enjoyed pizza (of course), went to the building that Nick built(I'm very proud) and met some great friends at our favorite bar, Fado. We love good ol Chi Town!!!
Posted by Jack Allen at 1:21 PM 1 comments
Jack Loves his Grandparents
Grandma Karen
Grandpa Gadbois
Grandpa Klepk
Great Grandpa Romein
... and there are more!!! What a special boy to have 8 great grandparents and 6 grandparents :)
Posted by Jack Allen at 1:17 PM 1 comments
Chicago Fan
We were cheering for the Blackhawks and the White Sox while we were in Illinois. Can't wait for football season to start.. GO BEARS!!!
Posted by Jack Allen at 1:14 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Illinois Birthday Parties
Jack's first birthday was just like his birth... unexpected!!! We arrived safe and sound in Illinois on Thursday. We enjoyed spending time with Nana and Papa Selvaggio and Tia Angela. On Saturday we headed to Forsyth, IL to pick up my cousin Andrea and head to Danville, IL for Liz and Brian's wedding. On our way to Forsyth Jack threw up... ALL OVER!!! We should have just turned the car around, but we thought he just was carsick... Well he wasn't!!! Many dirty dipaers and two vomitting epiosodes later we were at my parents house in St.Anne. We attended the wedding but left during the reception and headed home instead of staying overnight in the hotel. Smart move for us! Jack had a great night (had to call 3 nurses to figure out if he needed medical help!) Sunday, we had Jack's first Birthday party at Grammy and Grandpa Gadbois'... The pictures above are Jack's first cake experience. Nick and I got sick on Sunday, pushed through Jack''s party on Monday at my parents house (pictures will be posted as soon as I get some, my camera battery died!) and ended up feeling much better in a couple days. We enjoyed visiting with many family memebers and friends. Nick and I were able to spend a 1/2 day by ourselves in good ol Chi Town. Thank you everyone for making our little boys first birthday parties a blast! looking forward to celebrating more on his real birthday on June 14th in LA!!!!
Posted by Jack Allen at 7:40 AM 1 comments